Collaborative Worker
S.L.O.'s ~ 2.1, 2.2
Working on race cars takes more than one person. It would be almost impossible to take care of every car by yourself. Having a crew of at least three people is important to make things run smoothly and efficiently. Learning how to work alongside someone on the same car is something I have had to develop. It is not always easy as everyone works in different ways. Taking criticism on how something is being done and could be done better is frequent. Although everyone is trying to work towards the same goal, everyone has their own way of getting there. I have had to learn to respect how others work as it may not be the same way I do. It is very important to figure out how the person you are working with likes to do things because it can make many tasks much more efficient. Working with others is also how I learn the best. Watching how someone does something and being able to replicate it is how I have grown to be in the position I am now. When at the races, our crew has a routine before each session. Depending on the number of cars that will be in a certain session we work together to warm up each car going out on the track. This usually takes place roughly an hour before the session begins. In our Trans-Am group, we support anywhere from three to seven cars that will all go out at the same time. This means we each warm-up multiple cars. There would not be enough time for one person to warm up every car before the session begins; which is why it is important to be able to work together to get things done promptly. Having the understanding of working in a crew or with another person is essential for being able to successfully navigate life. There will always be times when multiple people are needed for something and knowing how to be a team player is crucial. Being a part of this business, I have surrounded myself with an environment where I am a part of a group that is operating towards the same goal.